昨天听了一个心理学的说法,叫受助者恶意。 视频的标题就是《对他人太好,不会有好下场》。 一般人认为我们越是帮助一个人,对方肯定心里越是感激。但是心理学研究发现,事实恰恰相反,你越是过多的帮助一个人,对方在感激你的同时,在潜意识里,会激发一丝不易察觉的恨意,在将来会冷淡、嫌弃、甚至攻击你。 这是因为我们人类,天生会追求优越感和平等,而在一个人欠下莫大的恩情后,这个人内心深处的平等感不会被满足,被自己…- 4
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People want you to succeed… But not more than themselves.
People want you to succeed... But not more than themselves.- 4
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Whether it’s a machine, a house, or a relationship, maintenance is always cheaper than repairing.
Whether it's a machine, a house, or a relationship, maintenance is always cheaper than repairing.- 5
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Mostly, people will treat you according to their own needs and greed.
Mostly, people will treat you according to their needs and greed.- 6
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You don’t know a person until you travel with them.
You don't know a person until: You travel with them. Money is involved. You deal with them when they're angry. You live with them. - @thirdeyethoughts- 2
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Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same.
Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same.- 1
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Your friends’ problems become your problems. The smaller your circle, the less bullshit you have to deal with.
Your friends' problems become your problems. The smaller your circle, the less bullshit you have to deal with.- 2
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