If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you spend your time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come. Don’t chase, attract.
If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. But if you spend your time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come. Don't chase, attract.- 5
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Excuses make today easy, but make tomorrow hard. Discipline makes today hard, but makes tomorrow easy.
Excuses make today easy, but make tomorrow hard. Discipline makes today hard, but makes tomorrow easy.- 4
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If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build.
If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build.- 6
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Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will get.
Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will get. - Unknown- 3
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The person you will be in 5 years depends largely on the book you read, the food you eat …
"The person you will be in 5 years depends largely on: The books you read The food you eat The people you spend time with The habits you adopt The conversations you engage in" - Unknown- 3
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There is always something you can do today, to make your future easier. Do that.
There is always something you can do today, to make your future easier. Do that.- 3
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You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.
The 3 C's of life: Choices, Chances, Changes, You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. -Naina Sanghvi- 3
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If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember, trees lose their leaves every year, yet they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.
There's a Japanese legend that says, "If you feel like you're losing everything, remember, trees lose their leaves every year, yet they still stand tall and wait for better days to come…- 4
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If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.
If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light. - Rumi- 4
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Sometimes, when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried. But actually, you’ve been planted.
Sometimes, when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried. But actually, you've been planted.- 3
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People want you to succeed… But not more than themselves.
People want you to succeed... But not more than themselves.- 4
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Whether it’s a machine, a house, or a relationship, maintenance is always cheaper than repairing.
Whether it's a machine, a house, or a relationship, maintenance is always cheaper than repairing.- 5
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Mostly, people will treat you according to their own needs and greed.
Mostly, people will treat you according to their needs and greed.- 6
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You don’t know a person until you travel with them.
You don't know a person until: You travel with them. Money is involved. You deal with them when they're angry. You live with them. - @thirdeyethoughts- 2
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Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same.
Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same.- 1
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Your friends’ problems become your problems. The smaller your circle, the less bullshit you have to deal with.
Your friends' problems become your problems. The smaller your circle, the less bullshit you have to deal with.- 2
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Laziness kills ambition, anger kills wisdom.
"Laziness kills ambition Anger kills wisdom Fear kills dreams Ego kills growth Jealousy kills peace Doubt kills confidence Now read that right to left." - Unknown- 7
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The hardest walk is walking alone. But it’s also the walk that makes you the strongest.
The hardest walk is walking alone. But it's also the walk that makes you the strongest.- 2
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You think you're an introvert because you like being alone. But in reality you just love being at peace. And you're actually extroverted around people who bring you peace. - Zachary Laid &nb…- 3
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Lamborghini was a tractor company.
Lamborghini was a tractor company. Samsung was a grocery store. LG was a facial cream. IKEA was a pen. What's the lesson? Your current situation doesn't have to be your last. Stay strong, ke…- 1
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